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Vincenzo Piazza – Making a Difference With Fitness!

One of the best things about working in the fitness industry is getting to meet so many amazing people. If you’re really lucky, you get to know someone like Vincenzo Piazza. Not only is he an elite fitness trainer with tons of experience, he also has a passion for truly helping people change and improve their lives. His openness and honestly come through immediatly which makes him easy to trust as a client and a friend.

For most people who work in the fitness industry, the fallout from Covid-19 caused a lot of adaptations. Vincenzo experienced this sooner than others as his native Italy was initially hit hard causing him much concern for friends and family. Soon after, his adopted home of London was affected as well. Vincenzo had to temporarily close down his personal training studio. Like a true entrepreneur he adapted and started training clients online until he was able to safely bring them back in.

After successfully debuting in competition physique sports, Enzo (as his friends call him) was excited to hit the stage again in 2020. Unfortunately that plan had to be put on hold as another Covid adjustment. Without ever complaining he continued to train and improve and he will hit the stage again in 2021, stronger than ever and in search of the pro card that many felt he’d already earned.

As a former MMA fighter Vincenzo understands the importance of good coaching firsthand. He’s looking forward to expanding his reach to have a positive effect on even more people in the future. Not everyone finds an easy path to fitness success. Thanks to people like Vincenzo Piazza, those who need help can truly get the support and assistance they need.

Name: Vincenzo Piazza

Occupation: Personal Trainer/Fitness studio owner

Bodysport: Where are you from originally and where do you live now?

Vincenzo: I’m originally from Italy and live in London, U.K

Bodysport: How did you first get started in sports and fitness?

Vincenzo: I started off at the age of 8 playing soccer then switched to martial arts at the age of 15

Bodysport: Tell us about your MMA career and why you ultimately changed direction.

Vincenzo: I started off by doing kickboxing and by the age of 19 I had a black belt. I went to live in the Netherlands where I competed for a few years in K1 kickboxing where I never managed to reach international levels at the time, then I started learning MMA in 2008.  I had a few local fights in Brazil but had a series of injuries that set me back, together with a decision taken with my family, made me re-focus on my Personal Training business full time.

Bodysport: What made you first decide to become a fitness trainer?

Vincenzo: I have always been involved in sports and I liked the idea of helping people change their life for the better.

Bodysport: What types of clients do you typically work with?

Vincenzo: My clientele throughout my career has varied, from athletes to the local mums wanting to get fit, office workers, middle-aged individuals with postural problems, young clients wanting to look better.

Bodysport: What kind of challenges did you/are you experiencing due to Covid and did that cause you to make any changes or adaptations?

Vincenzo: It is a difficult period where a lot of businesses are facing difficulties to survive. I take all measures in place in order to keep my clients and myself fit and healthy in order to fight this disease and come out of it. I am very busy with work as people are giving more value to how important is to stay fit mentally and physically.

Bodysport: Tell us about your first experience taking the stage?

Vincenzo: It was nerve-racking and didn’t sleep the night before, but once into the ring I let my work speak for itself. Only time and experience let us become more confident, but there’ll always be emotions.

Bodysport: How do you see the future of fitness and the fitness industry from a business standpoint?

Vincenzo:  The fitness industry has grown exponentially in the last 2 decades. I’m approaching my 19th year in the business as a fitness professional and I can see it only getting bigger and more popular worldwide.

Bodysport: What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to get or stay on track to reach their fitness goals.

Vincenzo:  Set small goals at first in order to achieve the big one. There will be some falls but that’s how we grow and become better individuals. Look for someone that inspires you and can help you in to your journey.

Bodysport: What would you like to accomplish as far as your own personal fitness journey?

Vincenzo: Continuing to learn, develop myself mentally and physically as I believe that hard work pays off.

Bodysport: Is there anyone you’d like to thank who has been instrumental in your life to your success?

Vincenzo: I would have to thank all my coaches including you Kevin who have helped me reach my success. I believe that my dad who died many years ago has always been with me in all my difficult moments, and Lord Jesus Christ is my number one devotion, nothing would be possible without him.

Bodysport: Where can people reach you?

Vincenzo: Through my Website: www.northlondonpt.com,

Whatsaap: +447730455456,

Instagram: @Northlondonpt

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